Report on the Unity Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party

Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov). Doklad' ob' ob'edinitel'nom' s'ezde Rossijskoj socialdemokraticheskoj rabochej partii. [Report on the Unity Congress of the R.S.D.L.P. A Letter to the St. Petersburg Workers].

Moscow, [Vpered], 1906.

8vo. 110, (2) pp. Original printed wrappers.


First edition. Lenin's relentless analysis of the Unity Congress, a political event that brought out the fundamental differences between Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. The pamphlet became an object of persecution even prior to its completion: the police searched the Dyelo printing works in St. Petersburg, where the pamphlet was being set, and delivered the latter to the St. Petersburg Press Committee. Although the Committee banned the pamphlet, the Party succeeded in sending the text to Moscow, where its printing was eventually completed. The work includes an appendix comprising the draft resolutions submitted to the Congress by the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks, resolutions adopted by the Congress, and other matter.

Wrappers slightly spotted; interior with occasional small marginal flaws. Contemporary handwritten ownership, as well as a faded library blindstamp to title-page.


OCLC 970953325. Lenin, Collected Works X, pp. 317-382.

Stock Code: BN#57371 Schlagwörter: , ,