[American Presidents]. Washington, George, first President of the USA (1732-1799, served from 1789 to 1797), and three successors. Four signatures of Presidents of the United States.

[Wayne, New Jersey] Headquarters, 11 July 1780 (and undated).

Cut and pasted on a 4to sheet.


Clipped signatures of the first, third, fourth and fifth presidents: George Washington (writing during the Revolutionary War, on the day of the long-expected arrival, 200 miles east in Newport, Rhode Island, of the Comte de Rochambeau commanding a French squadron of 5,000 troops), Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826, President from 1801 to 1809, signing as "your friend and servant"), James Madison (1751-1836, President from 1809 to 1817), and James Monroe (1758-1831, President from 1817 to 1825).

Well preserved.

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