Michelangelo Buonarroti. La libreria Mediceo-Laurenziana. Architettura del celebre Michelagnolo Buonarruoti.

Florence, 1758.

Folio (300 x 427 mm). Title, frontispiece, 9 numbered plates, engraved throughout. Contemporary papered boards with floral design.


Extremely rare edition of the plates depicting the fenestration and facade details of the Laurentian Library. The frontispiece (which follows the title page), engraved by Carlo Faucci and dated 1756, is after a painting by Giuseppe Zocchi.

The Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, which contains more than 11,000 manuscripts and 4,500 early printed books belonging to the private collection of the Medici family, was built in a cloister of the Medicean Basilica di San Lorenzo under the patronage of the Medici pope Clement VII. Renowned for its Mannerist architecture, it was designed by Michelangelo in 1523. When Michelangelo left Florence in 1534, only the walls of the reading room were complete; work was continued by other architects based on his plans and instructions.

Slight brownstaining throughout, but an appealing copy.


OCLC 257591202. Cf. Millard IV, 118. Berlin Catalogue 2690 (s. v. Ruggieri). BAL, Early Printed Books 2114 (1756 first edition, with variant title).

Stock Code: BN#47183 Schlagwörter: , ,