Laying the foundations for the modern Maronite Church

[Syriac Maronite Church of Antioch - Synod of Mount Lebanon]. Ristretto delle Relazioni de Relatori del Sinodo del Monte Libano, et unione di esse fatto dal Cardinal Prefetto, e Ponente destinato da Nostro Signore in luogo del Sig. Cardinal Rezzonico assente per minor incomodo degl'Em'i Votanti.

No place or date, but probably Rome, 1736 or soon after.

Small folio (ca. 192 x 262 mm). (Title leaf), 21, (1) pp., (final blank leaf). Italian manuscript on paper.


A contemporary account of the 1736 Maronite Synod of Mount Lebanon, which laid the foundations for the modern Maronite Church. Concerns the appointment of Giuseppe Simone Assemani (Yusuf ibn Siman as-Simani) as Apostolic Delegate, who presided over the Synod, and the settlements of several sensitive issues of Maronite Church, such as liturgy, martyrology, sacraments, marriage, and the authority of the Patriarch.

On loose folded leaves, pages numbered. Well preserved.

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