Arabic Christian physicians, martyred and canonized

Treccio, Domenico. Vita, martirio, morte, et miracoli de' Santi Leontio, e Carpoforo, dell' antica, e nobile famiglia Araba Vicentina [...], & della glor. verg. Eufemia, & Innocentia, loro sorelle.

Vicenza, Domenico Amadio, (1613).

8vo. 144 (but: 150) pp. With a full-page woodcut (crucifixion) after the preface. Contemporary limp paper boards.


Only edition of this life of the Saints Leontius and Carpophorus, Christians martyred under the Diocletianic Persecution early in the 4th century. Their relics where brought from Rome to Vicenza, where both are still revered. According to tradition, they were physicians of Arab extraction, their father having hailed from Syria. This account of their martyrdom and miracles also includes a life of their sisters Euphemia and Innocentia.

Some browning and waterstaining throughout. First quire loosened and reinforced in the gutter; several erroneous page numbers corrected by a contemporary hand. A hole in the upper board cover. Very rare: only two copies known in libraries (Montecassino and Bertoliana Vicenza).


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