Malevich, Kazimir, Russian painter and art theoretician (1879-1935). Autograph letter signed.

[Moscow], 22. V. 1929.

Small 4to. 2 pp.


In Russian, to his third wife, Natalya Andreevna (née Manchenka, 1902-90), on meetings with commissioners for foreign trade, an official trip, etc. "[...] I'm dreadfully tired, wandering through the storeys like a travelling salesman, visiting all companies there, hurrying from one manager to the other; I just finished my work at the Tretyakova yesterday, on the 20th. Then I went to Nemchinovka, but only for a while, but at least Klyun was there, and so we went to Barvikha. Unochka scolded me for being away from home so often, but it took me a whole week only to get the porcelain thing settled. My meetings and appointments with various officials from the People's Commissariat for Foreign Trade as well as myself make a huge impression. I even imagined myself the lying stone under which no water flows, and when this stone rose the water began to swirl and to bubble. But by now, everything is set up. And everything seems to be quite well now, but let us see. The People's Commissariat for Foreign Trade promptly sent a note to the Leningrad porcelain factory telling them to enter negotiations with me at once, also to the Silicate Trest and the Wallpaper Trest etc. What with all this bustle, Suyetin and I will have so much to do that I can't tell how we shall stand it. It has already come so far that Exports is going to send me on a business trip abroad. Today (Wednesday) I'm giving my lecture to the assistants, all of Thursday I will spend with Unochka, and on Friday I'm going to buy the ticket, though I do not know for which day they'll give me one. I long for you and fear that this longing will prevent me from bringing the whole thing to an end. I expect to leave on Sunday [...]" (transl.).


Malewitsch über sich. Zeitgenossen über Malewitsch. Briefe. Dokumente. Erinnerungen. Kritik. Vol. 1, Moscow 2004, no. 13.

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