Henri & Richard [eds.]. (Runge, Johann Wilhelm von, Swedish diplomat, 1746-1833). Le nouvelliste Français ou Recueil choisi de mémoires, itinéraires, réflexions morales et critiques, biographies modernes, caractères célèbres, pièces historiques, romans, contes, anecdotes, poésies fugitives, bonmots, saillies, énigmes, charades etc. Pour l'instruction et l'amusement des amateurs de la littérature Française [...].

Pest, Conrad Adolf Hartleben, 1815-1816.

8vo. 12 vols. With 5 engraved folded plates of music, 1 engr. and 2 lithographed folding plates of handwriting facsimiles, 6 (instead of 4!) engraved plates and an autogr. note by W. v. Runge signed. Contemporary marbled boards with giltstamped label to spine.


Attractively bound, wellpreserved provenance copy of this rare literary journal published in Budapest. Apart from several plates of song scores, a number of handwriting facsimiles are contained.

From the library of the Swedish collector, military officer, and Imperial chamberlain in Vienna, Wilhelm von Runge (1746-1833), with his engraved heraldic bookplate ("Ära och Frihet") to front pastedown. Runge had augmented his copy by an engraved specimen of Napoleon's handwriting. Bound before this is a leaf with an autogr. note by Runge: "On joint à cette table d'écriture autographes, cette de l'homme extraordinaire, qui pendant quinze années fixa les regards du monde; et dont la destinée est aussi bizarre, que la fortune était sans example. Jugés, si vous l'osés, son esprit & son caractère, pour les traites de sa plume" (dated Vienna, December 1815).

Bindings slightly rubbed at the edges; otherwise, a very clean and attractive copy. Rarely encountered complete: all copies established via library catalogues lack various volumes.

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