"It matters little to me what the award may be for the Sudan will never pay it. Cairo made the contract and Cairo must pay it"

Gordon, Charles G., known as "Chinese Gordon", "Gordon Pasha", and "Gordon of Khartoum", British Army officer and administrator (1833-1885). Autograph letter signed.

Shaka, 8. IV. 1879.

8vo. 2½ pp. on bifolium.


To J. H. Gooding in Wadi Halfa, who was employed on the construction of the railway: "Thank you for your kind letter 23 July, and all the information you have given me about the Railway. It matters little to me what the award may be for the Sudan will never pay it. Cairo made the contract and Cairo must pay it. We are now dealing the death blow to the slave trade and Gessi has had some very hard time fighting [...], however he has done splendidly + I hope the revolt is nearly at an end. You have little idea of the danger H. H. was in of losing the Sudan and what a complication that would have been. Sorry you are leaving me but you are right to look to your future [...]".

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